Intelligence is not genetically inherited Part I


There have been many studies conducted by Psychological Associations that questioned the possibility of intelligence being inherited through genetics.  So far all that have researched this claim have later been found to be wrong in their findings.  It has been proven time and again that positive environmental factors not genetic factors determine intelligence. Many of the positive factors are very simple, but if a parent/or guardian would take time to engage children the child will have great success.

 Here are a few of the positive factors.  Parents should read to child at an early age and reading to children should happen often.  Children show developmental advances when parents read to them, it has been proven that a parent’s level of educations does not effect the results in small children.  Nationality, ethnicity, financial status, gender, order of birth, parents verbal abilities, or parental warmth had no effect on the results when measuring intelligence.  All measured the same if parents read to their children. 

As Hart and Risley found in their study,

later confirmed and conducted again by the University of North Carolina’s Abecedarian Project  that speaking to children at an early age, even before the age of 1 year is beneficial to their reading development.

Children should have positive words spoken to them about their intelligence and character.  Hart and Risley found that children from professional homes had 560,000 positive words, children from middle class homes had 100,000 more positive words and children from welfare homes received 125,000 negative words than positive words.  Once again proving that children are in need of positive words and feedback from caregivers in order to thrive.

There are numerous studies that have the same findings as these.  If a child is has a nurturing environment not so much a financially positive, but one with loving caregivers they are more likely to be academically successful. It is environment not genetics that determine intelligence.